Thursday, July 10, 2008

Fried Pickles

Tonight I had the opportunity to try something I've never tried before: Fried Pickles. I really wasn't sure what to expect as I'd never even considered frying a pickle.

I was pleasantly surprised. The juiciness of the pickle was totally preserved and its tang opposite the comfort-food fried batter provided a nice juxtaposition.

While I can't see sitting down and eating any more than three of these things, they were definitely a nice treat. Pickle-lovers, check out Dawn's earlier post "Pickles Rule ~ Olives Drool" for a more, in-depth exploration of the subject of pickles.


Jesse Anna Bornemann said...

Fried pickles are a staple in the best Southern dives/cafes, but they're usually served in fried slices - not entire pickle form, as we had last night. Best with horseradish sauce!

In our early days of courtin', Eric and I went on a road trip with the sole purpose of locating good, fried pickles. He never blogged about it, but we got some great photos. Remind me to show you foodies!

Dawn Haley Morton said...

The first time I tried fried pickles (in spear form) was about 8 years ago. I thought they were great, especially with a mustard-based sauce.